Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


A family day out to Strathpeffer and the Black Isle. Headed south to Dingwall and a wee look around, Then to Strathpeffer, we had a packed lunch and took Juno and family for a walk. The dog was tired so Eco Mum and Eco daughter took her back to the car as Eco gran an myself headed up Cnoc Mor. Nice walk to the summit with great views. We picked loads of Blaeberries and stuffed our faces, they tasted fantastic, must make Blaeberry jelly next year.

We then headed over to Chanonry Point to watch the dolphins. A fine selection of lenses on show. Took some photos but decided just to watch and enjoy the dolphins.

Travelled back via Cromarty ferry to get more gingerbread from the Cromarty bakery.

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