A time for everything

By turnx3

Moving day!

Jen, Jason, and their friend Marcus, just before they left on the second leg of their journey to Texas, where Jen and Jason will be living for three years, while Jason is doing his Masters in Creative Writing at the University of Houston. They came down from Columbus yesterday evening and spent the night, then were on the road again by 9am. Their goal is to reach Houston (about 17 hours drive) by about lunchtime tomorrow, spending tonight somewhere en route. I was quite upset saying goodbye - its been so nice having them just an hour and a half drive away in Columbus - we've seen them quite regularly - they would always come down for our birthdays, Mothers Day, Fathers Day etc, and we would go up there periodically and have a day with them. So its going to be tough getting used to them being so far away. They are looking forward to having a bigger apartment, in a nice setting, and with a swimming pool! It was pretty busy on the street this morning, as there were workmen repairing the edges of the road, before re-surfacing it, so there were their trucks at various intervals along the road, then there was Jen and Jason's truck, and then our neighbors across the road were moving out too!

One year ago: Bird's eye view

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