
By JanPatienceArt

small screen/big man @edinburghtvfest

Gatecrashed Edinburgh Television Festival Channel of the Year Awards with Amanda & Olivia from ScreenHI/GoNORTH last night.

I'd gone for a quick catch up with them to discuss raising the profile of this fine organisation which doesn't just talk the talk but creates and delivers real opportunities in music, screen and broadcast, publishing et al in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.

After our business chat, free champagne and canapés were consumed.

Then we headed to the Channel of the Year Awards where comedian Dara O'Brien delivered, at breakneck pace, the giving out of gongs to tv types. *

I know it's shallow but Dara is a BIG guy in real life. Looks teeny on screen. Appearances, dear reader, can be deceptive...

Dara O'Brien
Is a big name on TV
And in a haiku

* Note to self: must watch Broadchurch

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