
By Dancersend

I said "no butterflies"!

I decided I'd taken a lot of butterflies, moths and other insects recently, so my walk today was meant to focus on getting photos of some special wild flowers. I love Woolly Thistle, Cirsium eriophorum, and there are a number of nice clumps in the disused rail track just outside the village. The flowers are just going to seed so taday was the day to get photos. I found a nice plant and started to line up a good shot when, out of nowhere (I hadn't seen any on my walk along the railway cutting), a Brimstone butterfly swooped in and started feeding on my thistle. As it was so determined to get in on the action, I relented and you've got a combination plant/butterfly shot today. I have to say this Brimstone does look very smart compared with some of the other butterflies that are still hanging on in the area.

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