My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

Finally Friday!

-Monday I had my jogging, tiny migraine attack and busy evening sift. My Girl hurt her ankle. It is only a bit blackish.
-Tuesday it was 9-17 at work, after it treating My Girls ankle. It is swollen and partly black. Also shopping and making food and visiting library. Excellent new book, read it at once.
-Wednesday :9-17 at work, afterwards food- things and friend visiting. My Girls ankle is better. Taking compress off (Bandages got wet in shower- plastic bag didn't hold water.) Painting hallway ceiling and wall also bathrooms ceiling and mouldings.
-Thursday at work 8-16, food, then sister+ nephew visiting. Her belated B-daycake+ coffee. My Girls ankle is almost good. She doesn't limp anymore.
-Friday working from 8 to 14.30. After it a food- things, couple of DVD's and a lots of sweets. Late sunset photographing. Thank God it's Friday!

Lots of stars and twinkle to all of you nice people commenting and making blipping worth! Sorry I'v been so silent!

In todays photo is view towards port of Hamina.

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