Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


After a hiatus of a few months and the sad demise of my starter through abject neglect, I finally got round to creating a new one. I am so pleased with it, it is very active. I think that may be due to the addition of some Scottish honey! Anyway, after a process lasting a couple of days I finally got my first batch of loaves today. We had some for lunch and gave Conor a bit to chew on. He certainly seemed to enjoy it. I'm not sure whether he actually ate any but it was certainly smaller after all the sucking than before. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of regularly baking so we have a constant supply of fresh bread and come up with some way of fitting it in around a working day for once I go back. I am also going to try to get my hands on some Scottish flour with the intention of baking a 100% Scottish sourdough.

On the way home from school today, Orla asked me how bees got their sting. I started banging on about evolution and adaptation. She said: "oh, I thought they wiped their bums on nettles, and some of the sting got on their bum". At which point I thought, that will do for now as an explanation.

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