hello : )

By 1DayataTime

hot & humid weather today - not my favorite : (

I'm giving myself a self-portrait break today. I got a few important things done today, but still feeling overwhelmed by my family's situation. A number of people have been incredibly supportive of me, so I am counting my blessings. Sometimes, though, it's difficult not to think of that one person who is unavailable. Friends show their true colors when you're going through a difficult time and I am lucky that most of my friends have been there for me, but it may be time to let one friendship go. This makes me very sad if I think about it too much, but I really need to focus my energy on taking the best care of myself and continue listening and tuning into those people in my life who are supporting me! And as for the particular friendship, it may just be that we'll still be friends, but things will just be very different.

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