Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I have been putting off Blipping today, as I was so cross with my daughter's school I feared my Blip would turn into a rant. I will try and avoid that.

Sarah was in charge today, we we went swimming - one of my least favourite activities! And it was a fun swim with floats. I was very good and lasted an hour. Then she chose fish and chips for tea, which I didn't object to. Finally, the fun fair - another activity I am not keen on! We tried our hand at archery - not as easy as Jennifer Lawrence makes it look, but I was quite relieved not to win a life-size, lime green gorilla. Then, against my advice she went on a few rides - this is the Terminator 3, I am sure all royalties are being paid for the use of Arnie's image - she absolutely loved it. Then the Waltzers. After that, lying on a grass bank trying not to throw up! We came home, and now she is eating the tube of sweets we acquired there. I think she is recovered.

I was cross with Sarah's school for putting kids in for GCSEs about 30 minutes after they are out of nappies. I have been on at them for this for the last 2 years, for all the good it does, and I am proved right over and over again. This year she was made to do a full GCSE in food tech, crammed into one year, and with an absolutely enormous amount of hard work from her and from me, she got a D, 3 marks off a C. If they had allowed her the chance to mature and develop another year, she would have got a C. Last year, without my knowledge, they entered her for GCSE statistics. She was in Year 9, 14 years old and with special educational needs; she struggles with basic arithmetic! I went ballistic, but was told they always enter kids in year 9 as "some of them get a C". Grrr!!!!!!! I could go on about this for days. I have been upset all day, yet Sarah is oblivious, so I need to get things into perspective.

So here's a song about youth, and about growing up and leaving its carefree days behind. Sarah still lives on Sugar Mountain, I want to move back there.

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