
By Bob20

Heather: Towards Bamford Edge, Derbyshire.

I should like to thank you all for your very kind and generous comments yesterday. You are better than Lucozade! (I’m sure some of you remember the ads☺ )

Today, I went in search of a Heather blip. Here in Derbyshire that is not difficult as we have some wonderful moors. I chose this view towards Bamford Edge, with the hills of the Great ridge in the distance and Kinder Scout in the far distance. The colours are glorious at this time of year. I just love the purple haze of the heather in the distance.

I have in fact blipped parts of this view previously in different seasons, so it may look familiar to you.

If you have time, I thoroughly recommend taking a minute to look at this blip LARGE.

Enjoy your evening everyone, and thank you.

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