Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

The loom room

Today MerleAnn and I went to Multnomah Arts Center with the idea that she would take part in a community play reading that happens weekly at the senior center there. But the parts were doled out to other participants, so we both got to be audience. It was interesting and funny (a modern day parody of Dumas' Lady of the Camellias), but by the end of Act One, we'd both had our fill and decided to go.

On the way out we stumbled upon this amazing room filled with 60 looms of various sizes and shapes. None of them were in use, but there were bits of projects left on some of them. A woman who attends classes there told us that there are a couple of weaving classes each week, and this is the largest weaving school of its kind in the country, outside of art schools. (The Multnomah Arts Center is run by the city's parks and recreation department.)

I was fascinated by the looms and the spinning wheels - and it was a blipper's dream room. I put more photos in a Flickr set. When I came home and told Laurie about it, she grinned and said, "Yes! That's where I learned to weave!" She used to have a loom but had to make space for other things years ago; maybe one day she'll have room for a loom again. I'd love to see her spin and weave!

Look large to see the amazing transition from strands of yarn to finished weaving.

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