Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Dexter Face

Been out to the cinema this evening to see Elysium. I'm a sci-fi nerd and this was great action sci-fi in my opinion. The visuals were terrific and the sound design impressed me a lot. Luckily it did not go too far in the action stakes, something that the US movies tend to do, and the camera direction during them has a mild documentary feel to them on occasion that helped. The acting and characters were pretty good and I do like a storyline where the greedy, rich minority get what's coming :)

Mrs H was in school today so it was just me and the girls. Following a coat of varnish on the 4 doors (get the rock'n'roll lifestyle out of the way early) I took them out on their bikes to the park. It evolved into a stop by the fish'n'chip shop for an extremely unhealthy battered lunch, and then a 13-mile round trip to Miller's Dale on the Monsal Trail to get an ice cream. Jnr Jnr's first long ride and she declared it, "the best day ever" on the way back. She's saying that a lot recently, so either we're doing a good job week on week of upping the stakes or she's easily pleased with a short-term memory problem. Jnr Snr struggled a little as her seat needed adjusting and it wasn't a quick-release bolt so couldn't do owt about it ;( I have since adjusted it and actually the ice creams were pretty damn good, so will be quite keen for a repeat if they suggest it!

Coming back I could hardly sit on the saddle though, severe saddle sore. Now I have been riding my road bike for just over a month now without a hint of it, and one extremely relaxing jaunt on my mountain bike ends up with a sore ass. Either my padded shorts I wear when out on the road are amazing, or the saddle on my mountain bike sucks.

I am now watching Dexter on Lovefilm Instant. I am new to it and have just completed Series 4. Wow - what a finale!!!!! If you've seen it then you know what I mean, if not, then get watching, it's amazing TV. So as all my models are unavailable once again, you get a moody SP (not done one in a while).

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