Today’s picture is of a Gatekeeper Butterfly.
Today was MRI day and two separate scans of his back were to be taken. The GOG was put in the mobile unit, which was parked in the car park next to the main Addenbrookes MRI scanner unit; they are so busy that this mobile unit visits two or three times a week. It took an hour and a quarter to do what should have taken about fifteen minutes. It was not being manned by Addenbrookes staff, but by sub-contractors so he was not impressed; English being their second language did not help. They tried to put his legs in various positions and subsequently because of this they had to take him out of the unit three times, so that he could use his Entonox otherwise he was in too much pain to stay still. Without our own Entonox it would not have been possible for them to carry out the scans.
Then after a cup of tea we visited the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALs) in the hospital. We have not made a formal complaint at this stage, but have expressed progress concerns and they will investigate and contact us; we shall see.
Then because he was dosed up with Morphine and Entonox we went to Scotsdales for lunch. His feet are now so swollen due to the problems that he cannot get any of his boots or shoes on so he went in his slippers! I bought two more shrubs for our large curved border, which I will put in once it gets a little cooler.
Until the Grumpy Old Git is feeling better I am updating his journal with words and pictures to produce a record and to inform anyone who is interested in his progress.
Susan - Arkensiel
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