PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

The City

Spent far too much time here this afternoon. Got lost, got stressed and realized I don't like riding around city streets in peak hour traffic in a city I'm not familiar with! Also realized I definitely need a light on my bike since I got caught here after dark and nobody could see me on the ride home... might need some sort of carrying device too... grocery shopping on each handlebar is not cool!

Office day at work today. Catching up on emails and all things 'office' related ... until a report comes through that a cat is roaming around the zoo grounds near the vet department. Spent the next hour or so hunting it down which involved copious amounts of 'here kitty kitty', 'hey lil puss puss' etc.. etc... Then she bolted over towards the sun bear exhibit - we only found her exact location because Bopar was sniffing rather interestingly at the front corner of her enclosure. "Mia" the silver tabby had wedged herself under the public viewing deck - which then saw me shimmying on my belly all the way in to get her out! Several zoo patrons filmed the whole thing - look out you tube! But now Mia is happily reunited with her mum thanks to a collar and tag and a microchip!

10:30pm.... Just been called up to work to give a possum joey a late night milk feed... the joys of living on site :)

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