
By DonnaWanna

Baby Grevillea

Missed the best shot ever this morning! Couldn't believe my eyes when about 15 Ibis flew overhead in a line! Floating along on the gentle breeze into the sun they looked so graceful and beautiful! Excitedly I snapped off a whole lot of shots, and the whole lot were rubbish ::(( the iPhone couldn't cope with the movement and the direct sun!!

Nevermind I thought I'll go after work as well and be more prepared in case I see them again. Jake got the shock of his life when I announced that we were going on 'another' walk...he just stared at me for a sec and I could almost see the wheels turning in his head :))

Needless to say I didn't see them again which was very disappointing, maybe they only do that in the mornings:(

But I did spot this beautiful tiny little Grevillea and I knew that was it for today's blip:)

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