5min sketch a day

By Sambo

Sketch no. 94 - developing an image

I've been working on a project with a friend for a children's book. I have all the images in my mind, but finding it really hard to put down onto paper. One of my biggest stumbling blocks is that I'm used to working in oil, replicating images on canvas, whilst with illustration I have no image to work from (apart from the one in my mind), and oil doesn't lend itself.

So this is my first attempt at working with acrylic, as I'm just not satisfied with the watercolour work i've done so far. Must admit that even just an hour with acrylic has been a real learning experience - ie in terms of techniques that can be used, drying time etc.

So whilst this image is pure exploration and very rough round the edges, it has been a valuable learning experience!

Must also admit that by taking a photo and looking at a piece of work on screen, gives you chance to really analyse the work.

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