Republic Thousand Rivers

By castrexoman


Curious and permanent Altar, 24x7 and totally free, in a small interior nucleus of the Republic of Thousand Rivers, in which the rural population to pray the rosary Imploring for his family. There is clear well the one who is the "generous and discreet" Sponsor

It would not be a bad idea that they them were installing, with included bank, in the streets of the City

(A) Implorando a falta de catro días

(B)Altar permanente, 24x7 e totalmente "gratuíto", nun pequeno pobo interior da República dos Mil Ríos, no que os fieis máis rurais rezan o rosario implorando encarecidamente polos seus fillos e familiares. Queda ben claro quen é o "xeneroso e discreto" Patrocinador.
Non sería mala idea que os instalasen, polo seu posto con banco incluido, na Rúa do Paseo, no Parque de San Lazaro o na ,curiosa e paradoxicamente, chamada Rúa do Progreso. Pero que se apuren, xa só lles quedan catro días.

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