soulful gaze...

...from the duck

which i believe is a wood duck - - isn't it? i'm no expert at these things, though - yet, it's not one i've seen at this lake before - hanging with the little white ducks - sticking out like a sore thumb - didn't seem to mind - wasn't shy at all either - came scurrying up to me - i mean right up to me - very "in-my-face" - to me - like he/she wanted to have a conversation with me - with that look in his eyes - all soulful - as if there was something deep he wished to convey to me - we made eye contact for the longest moments - then i managed to snap but a couple shots before he waddled off - leaving me to wonder what was going on - what it is that ducks think, if they think...

later as i came back along the shore line - i grinned - seeing the white ducks - with this dark beauty - all lined up in the sand - sunning themselves in the heat of the afternoon - now that's what i say - makes for...


happy day.....

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