
Still really behind on my blipping - and I'm confused about days so might take me a while..
Today ems arm looks infected so docs and food shop - em likes English supermarkets - and melody likes the Thomas ride on
Made a roast dinner and then Mand Dan Nicole and Zac came over for circus - Melody loved it last year - this year I think I've implanted a clown phobia in her.. Also hated the cymbal crashes! Everyone else enjoyed it except when a Chav sat in our seat at the interval and refused to move - arguments all round - he was v aggressive and swearing - called the worker over he told him to move but he still refused.. Started threatening mike and loads of ppl around us getting involved saying he was a twat basically but still refused to move
Anyway he didn't ruin the night - had coffees back here and melody ultra tired but happy to see her cousins - gave dan a 'bogie kiss' ewww - her words and invention :0/

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