
By Chiffchaff


Tough day. This isn't the happiest blip, but please, don't feel too sad - look at the sparkles!!

Dad was in for an op on one of his kidneys today after earlier in the month his consultant found out "The big C" had caused some of his "pipes to squish up" by "the part that got the C".
He had a stint put in...and THEN they decided they needed to do the other one too.

He had a nasty reaction to the anaesthetic again (as he did in his last op), so I spent most of the work day trying to get more information out of tight mouthed nurses on the phone. Insane amount of red tape to get through for any information at all! Even if I am his daughter!

Anyway he'll be out soon. No lifting anything for a month though.

They've found some more spread too...which is sad...but it is all under control, and we will toughen his spirit up and he'll be absolutely flying in a few months - it's all about positives!

I guess a shorter story to this blip is - here is my bedside lamp.

Speedy recovery, dad!

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