Grizzly Sam

Sam looking for all the world like a wee grizzly bear! He is of indeterminate age! We have had him for 7 years and we think he was probably about 6 or 7 then. He is very wise and knows what is going on even inside your head! He has a clock somewhere as he seems to know the exact time for food & walks. His only small downfall is that he fights with anything in sight and the bigger the better as far as he's concerned. I have seen him couwp big labs on their backs and once I found my son hanging onto Sam in mid air with Sam still holding onto another dog in his jaws! Still he's a lovable wee rogue!
Just in from a walk with them all in Glasgow and there must be some open air concert as the music (if it can be called that!) is booming all over, I can even hear it inside the house at the back! Hope whoever it is blows a fuse soon!
Happy blipping all

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