The Road

A social morning. The Boss spent a good part of it socialising and I spent the same part waiting for something to happen in the back of Suzz. It was quite nice as at one time E came out with a visitor to introduce me, but the rest of the time was waiting waiting and finally The Boss, who had previously plonked his camera gear in the back came out and we went home for lunch (HIS). I have to bark that I did not expect to do that.
After Lunch (HIS) he attacked his computer..Well actually there was not an attack as such but there was a loooong list of entries for the Seniornet Photo Competition that had to be checked, filed and data based so I spend some more time waiting.
At 4.00 pm it was back to the car and I thought WooHoo BUT there was a drive to the Airport and a quick clunk as this shot was grabbed and then we went for a great long walk… we went home and back to the afore mentioned photo thingie interspersed with a call from a concerned lady who had left her ipad on an aeroplane and wanted to remotely blow it up. (The Ipad NOT The aeroplane…OK?) This feature is still coming said The Boss but offered to do a find my Apple thingie and was disappointed that it didn’t. It was last seen overseas and it’s general status for being found was a bit unknown so the lady is going to install the App on her machine and have a look every so often.
The Boss thought that is sometimes very unsatisfactory when owners of devices haven’t followed along with the setters uppers (often shop assistants) and have no idea what is actually done. (Like location services and other things that make finding it possible)
Anyway a lesson here…Don’t leave stuff on overseas airlines. The “Honest” component tends to get diluted I suspect. AND change all your passwords when you get home.

The light was not spectacular today so The Boss went mono for a change.
AND used his camera too
Hop over the fence?

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