All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Wet Pavement

The weather today started off promising - fairly warm and sunny. However, just as my lunchbreak started and I decided to walk over to the shops, the heavens opened! Not only was it raining, it was windy too. My umbrella kept blowing inside out and then broke so didn't do a great job of keeping me dry and also meant I couldn't take any blips as my free hand was trying to hold the fabric of the brolly down to cover me! The rain did stop for a wee while when I was inside, and don't ask me why but I quickly took this photo of the pavement as I came out, and then it started up again! Reckon it was just waiting for me to come back out, ha ha! Not long after I got back to the office, the sun came back out and it was lovely for the rest of the day!

Had my car at the garage for a service today. I had a horrible feeling it needed a few things done to it and as the bill was £344 (eek!) I guess I was right!

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