Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

Picking berries

It's been a couple of years since the last time I picked berries, but this morning I went to the forest next to our partment to pick up raspberries. After lunch I cycled about 3 kilometres further to pick up blueberries. I picked altogether about 3 hours and got a bit over 2 litres of berries. It was quite slow without a berry picking device/tool or whatever you call it.

I used some of the berries for making a pie. I forgot to put margarine to dough but it tasted good even without. I froze some of the berries. Too bad there's not a descent freezer in our flat, just an ice box in a fridge. If we had a proper freezer I could pick more berries during summer/autumn, freeze them and use later whenever needed.

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