This morning I spent some time trying to get through on the phone to the Newcastle United Box Office. My season ticket hasn't arrived yet and I will need it on Saturday to get in to the match. The first 3 times I got through a voice said they were busy and then cut me off!. Next time I was put on hold for ages. Not only did I get loud music but someone speaking as well telling you all sorts of info that you don't want to hear and can hardly hear anyway due to the loud music. When I finally got through to someone they said I was through to the wrong dept so I had to ring off and start again. Finally got through to the right person who said she will send me a paper ticket to use at the weekend and if my season ticket arrives not to use it till after Saturday, If season ticket doesn't arrive by next Wed....... ring up again.

As usual on a Monday I went to Slimming World. Lost 2 pounds this week. ( Total weight loss - 2 stone 10 pounds.) There were 3 nominations for " The Woman of the Year " . We all had to stand at the front and tell the story of our weight loss journey. I was scared sh*tless. I let the other ladies go before me - not through kindness more through sheer fright. Anyway I managed to tell my tale. Then there was the voting. It was tight - only one vote between first and second and one vote between second and third. And the winner was..... me!. How surprised was I. I was presented with a sash, certificate, sticker for my book and a pen. The group leader took this shot of me and the runners up and she posted it on Facebook. So I took a photo of the Facebook page.

This evening I have been ironing and listening to the match on the radio. Newcastle were away at Manchester City. They lost 4 - 0. Not a good start to the season.

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