Why walk when I can run

Well, I have hardly seen mummy at all today. She left this morning then daddy took me to her work this afternoon. In between times I was at jacqui's my childminder for a play and we went out too. I also had lots of time to play with daddy.

I did have a little, well big, reflux episode this afternoon. Daddy took 30 minutes to clean it up. Then he put jammies on me. I mean middle of the afternoon, me in jammies.

So once mummy was home, i had dinner then she bathed me and put clean jammies on. I had a bobo a big horrible nappy then bed. So time to dance with the fairies until morning. Seemingly I get to play all day at Jacqui's tomorrow. I did have a little cry when daddy left me this morning but I was fine once I realised I could play.

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