My Angle

By myangle

An exercise in DOF

There is a story behind this shot (isn't there always?). I wanted to do something completely different with my P&S camera. When I did a trail run, I discovered that my P&S is broken. So I thought I would head out on my motorbike bike with my 350D. Ah, bike not running too. OK, time to rethink.
I got in the car (thinking please don't break down) and sat for a few minutes while the photographers block wore off.
This was what I ended up with. It is something I have been wanting to do for a while, and is one of a number of shots I wanted to submit today. I chose the wide angle architectural look over some of the detail shots I took. I can always go back and shoot more another day.
It is of course the Manly Water Tower just up the road from me. Incidentally I probably should have shot at f32 not 22, and paid a little more attention to the 1/3rd in front, 2/3rd behind rule. The background is a little fuzzy.
I used the Channel Mixer with Monochrome selected in Photoshop to get the desired contrast.
1/25th sec, f22, iso100, 18-55mmlens @ 18mm, tripod mounted, Canon 350D

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