Eyes right!!

We spent the day in Cambridge today. I had a hospital appointment this afternoon and if I was going to experience discomfort and hang around for ages, there had to be some “positives” in the morning!!

B bought a new suit etc, we went in to Trailfinders to find out about flights to NZ, got the bits and pieces on my list, before having lunch at Browns (a restaurant which occupies the old Out Patients Department of the original Addenbrooke’s Hospital)!!!

Lunch was a “Thank You” from one of B’s athletes who won a bronze medal for the discus at the World Transplant Games.

On the way back we passed these workmen having lunch on the pavement outside the shop they were renovating. The bloke on the left of the picture saw me about to snap and said to his pals “Smile for the lady”!!! Which they dutifully did!!

Not sure that the lady with the lolly was aware of what was happening!!!

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