
By Aseret

Stipa Gigantea

I have a young Stipa Gigantea in my garden hence the single 'pannicle of long-awned spikelets' (as per the RHS desicription) photo. Its nice to see the sun back and am hoping it will last until the weekend as my sister and brother and their families are coming to stay and would be good to sit out in the garden.

I am currently reading Under Another Sky by Charlotte Higgins which is essentially about Roman Britain and how it has been viewed, used and assimilated at different points in our history and it is very interesting. Anyway the point of mentioning it here was that it includes a good quote related to walking Hadrian's Wall from Richard Long in 1980 as follows:

'A walk expresses space and freedom
and the knowledge of it can live
in the imagination of anyone, and that
is another space too.'

It caught my eye as I spend a lot of my time walking every day, often in the same places, and I felt this quote gave a me a hint of how I could take a different view of walking both during and afterwards and how I might use it to help my photography course work as well.

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