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By NessD

The face of concentration

So apparently this is what you do to celebrate your degree results and your new found freedom after 7 years of doing a degree by distance learning. A trip to the allotment followed by a pint and then the pub's ukelele class!

Sharing one uke between the two of us meant for an interesting night. Lesson one: a soprano is way, way, way too small for anyone with large hands, which would be both of us. Lesson two: don't try to grip it likes it's a baby guitar. I had an interesting spasm in a thumb muscle that night.

K has, of course, gone into this 100% (Or at 1000% if you go in for inflating percentages and using 110% effort. Don't get me started.) and bought a uke the very next day. With the benefit of backblipping I can at least confirm that he has been immersing himself in youtube clips and practising ever since. Luckily it's quite a pleasant instrument to listen to! I might dip in and out if I can borrow a uke. It was a perfectly pleasant experience and not too difficult to pick up after 4 years of classical guitar lessons when I was a kid. I'd just really like to be able to buy a camera before 2015.


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