An unfortunate office prank
Day 1
'You're going down, you hear me? Down! So low in fact that they will forget your sorry excuse for a life ever existed. Are you listening? Are you!'
Chester waited. He had more to say, more to lay on in thick oil stained lumps, but his subject matter was lost to him, caught up no doubt in the sentence to hell that he, the great judge, had just laid down. Well that would just have to do.
'Take him down,' he said, the courtroom standing as Chester growled his order. The die was cast, his nemesis imprisoned, his way to her heart now wide open.
I should add that the photo is what some miserable office junior thought they should do with some vegetables dear B had brought for me from her garden. Poor Zebra's eyes were smarting as I helped him back on to the cooling window sill...
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