
By catoblips



for a thousand blips…..

I thought of doing something special, so many folk seem to do the most amazing blips to celebrate…..but then I went into my garden, and this feather was caught in a web….dewdrops galore to celebrate!

there must really be 1000….I hope!

Reaching this milestone is also a great opportunity to say a huge thank you to Joe and co…you have made, and are still making, Blipland into a wonderful place….where friendships are formed and where I have learned so much about photography.

So a big thank you too, to all blippers who dip in and out of my journal…thank you to the faithful friends who comment and make suggestions on how shots might improve….for the kindness and support you give in tough times…

last bit not least a massive thanks to banana blips, who introduced me to this wonderful place where the world really is your oyster!!!

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