The Butter Slip

Off to the Medieval city of Kilkenny today for the tail end of the annual Arts Festival. We walked the feet off ourselves but have come home mighty pleased. The visual art on display during festival week is a very mixed bag, ranging from the young students right up to the nations leading lights. Very often it's among the students that one sees the real innovation. Unfortunately it's also in there that one sees the hopeless.
Kilkenny is an amazing City with many narrow laneways as befits its antiquity. This lane is very famous and is called the Butter Slip, Slip being the word applied to most of the lanes in the city. Certainly to all the oldest ones. As I shot this photo a group of about 20 Italians materialised behind me listening to the tour guide babbling away. I worked without saying a word, shot 6 photos and then slipped away leaving them an unobstructed view. Who knows, some Italian blipper might even now be posting online a photo of a lane spoiled by my tail end in the middle of their shot.

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