
By upnorth

View from my sister's house.

Sister no. 1 and her husband own a beautiful home at the top of a hill overlooking Big Stone Lake. They've recently put it up for sale because they have a winter home in Florida near their daughters homes. Now that they have grandchildren, they want to be there year round and just visit for a couple of weeks in the summers. Glad I'm retired so I can go visit them in the winter!
We had a nice visit with my Mom and Dad. They're in their 80's and thanks to my younger brothers and sister are still able to live at home. Later that evening our Aunt Helen, Uncle Ray, and their son David came to visit. We only see them once a year when they come to town for the Corn Fest. Brother no. 5 is in town too. I bet it's been five or more years since I last saw him!
Sister no. 1 had new news about her son, Dan. He's in his 40's and had a really good job as head of the accounting department at a large hospital in Texas. He must be going through a midlife crisis (fortunately, he's not married) because he decided to quit his job and get a pilot's license. He just finished his training and his mom jokingly suggested he go to work in the oil fields to pay off his school loans and he did! He started on Monday working the oil fields in North Dakota. Now we have four relatives working there. A brother-in-law, his son-in-law, and two nephews.

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