A Ceiling with a ballon

This is the ceiling at the top of "C Nova" (as it's known during the Fringe) or India Buildings as it's normally known. I was here to see "The Bunker Trilogy: Morgana", which was a re-telling of the King Arthur Myth set in a WW I bunker. The show was set in a small room which was completely decorated as WW I bunker (think Blackadder Goes Forth), the show was pretty good and the set certainly helped set the mood, unfortunately the setting was terrible, it was basically home made benches squashed into two rows on all four sides of the small room, there was also no air conditioning (apparently they didn't have that in WW I). So it was rather hot and cramped and although I enjoyed the show, I was glad to get out.

You'll notice there's a helium balloon up on the ceiling with somebodies face on it, I have no idea who :-)

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