Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Stick it out .....

That's what Lucy looks like she's saying to Lily the rescue pooch ... Remember this lily who belongs to my brother and sis in law ... This dog was a gift from the gods ... She is so wonderful I want to kidnap her ! I can't understand how anyone could treat any animal badly ... I actually get suspicious of humans who say they hate animals or general cats and dogs ... I realise this is a bit random but I think it's weird ... I do ... I can't help it ... We have over the years had visitors who have been rude enough to ask if I would lock either my cats or dogs out ... NO .. NO AND NO .. Seriously fuck off go away quickly .. I always make people aware we have lots of animals and if you don't like it tough ... Don't come here I will meet you in town.
As you may have guessed I am still in pain and drugged up ...sorry I have hardly replied to anyone from yesterday but I shall catch up and bother you all ....
Today we popped down to MILS (mum in laws for you who don't get it)... Aunty G had been staying so we had a lovely BBQ ... Eating food not Gill then I felt really peeky again so we came home ...

PS if any of you lot don't like animals you are not allowed to visit so up yours xxx

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