The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Would The Real You Please Stand Up

Sunday morning usually means Starbucks with my sister. This morning, my youngest 'nibbling' also came along with her collection of characters from Peppa Pig.

From left to right there's Peppa, Suzy (she's not always naked..), George, um George again and Peppa.....again!

Oh, and giant Peppa and George were left in the car.

It looks like we have some character duplication. There's more than one of some of them!

Is there more than one of you?

I don't mean a Doppelganger - I mean, is there more than one of you depending on your circumstances?

We often hear people say things like "Oh, he's just putting on a face" or "She has a different face for every occasion"- And actually - sometimes that's a necessity.

There are times when I behave much differently in the work place than I do when I'm with close friends - especially if professionalism is required.

When I'm around friends, there are times when I'll behave differently with one than the other. Why is that?

There are friends I'll be intense with, friends I'll laugh with, friends I'll cry with - and there are some where I'll do all of the above!

How do we choose who sees what? And why?

What might be stopping us 'being real' with others?

We're definitely not called to pour our most deep and meaningful secrets on to every person we encounter.

....But we are called to let our light shine!

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