End Result
Of a day in the garden and the garage is a trip to the local council skip. As usual there was a huge tail back of cars but being the sort of amiable chap that I am I sat back in this queue and listened to some tunes comforted by the waft of damp grass coming from the boot.
Eventually I got to the front to be met by a squad of people who ran this like a military operation. You were in, out and shaken about all in a matter of minutes with all your junk deposited in the correct skip. I just wish the council ran all their operations like this.
I also heard that a fellow blippers family yesterday lost their deeply loved brown lab Bruce. My thoughts are with them all at this difficult time.
- 0
- 0
- Nikon COOLPIX S3300
- f/3.5
- 5mm
- 80
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