Blipping big trucks

In the wind and rain and the gathering gloom Missymoo lights up the big trucks. I don't know how she does it. All these big truck driving guys come out to ask if she wants their lights turned on.

They hurry of to find Fred for his keys. "He'll be in the beer tent."

Cars stop, people pushing prams stay out of the way. A self appointed steward takes it on himself to accompany her and starts telling people what's going on and ordering people about.

I slope off, plonk my tripod down and try to find my bits and pieces which I'm sure I put in my pocket. Maybe in the front of my bag. How come you can never find anything when you want it?

It was too windy for the hot air balloons to inflate, so the pilots fired up their flames in time to music. The fact that they are still alive indicates they are better balloon pilots than they are musicians. Still - it was fun creeping around getting away from the crowd pretending we were official and didn't need to be behind the barrier.

A good night out. I enjoyed it tremendously.

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