Rainbow over Munlochy Bay this evening.

Normally I'm trying to get as much of the rainbow arch as possible  in the picture. But here, in this uncropped shot, I was trying to near fill the frame with just a cross section. Made somewhat easier with a lens mount adapter I collected from the Post Office this morning. Had been saving up for a new one, but then the local camera shop put three second-hand "Unused" ones on their website, I didn't hesitate to accept the hefty discount!

The mount adapter (Nikon FT1) allows you to mount and use Nikon F-mount lenses on this little camera. Some will autofocus on it too. Big advantage is when it comes to using telephoto lenses, as per today's 70-300mm zoom. Because this camera only sees a small portion (crop) from the centre of the overall lens image, it has a field of vew equivalent to 2.7 times the focal length. That 70-300mm on a 35mm camera becomes almost equivalent to a 190 to 810mm zoom! Paparazzi would love this, if they haven't already have cottoned on...

It's not all a bed of roses. There do seem to be a few differences from using the regular lenses on this camera, and likewise using the bigger lenses on F-mount cameras. Holding things steady? Well that's another story...

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