Plus ça change...

By SooB

Silencing Doubting Meancoasts

There was a hint yesterday of doubt at my assertion that I could still, at the exalted age of nearly-but-not-quite-40 do pool tricks that I'd happily done at 16. So, just to confirm, the legs on the right are mine (check out that chipped nail polish), those on the left are the young pretender, Katherine, trying to learn from the master.

Mr B (today's able photographer and technique mocker - though he couldn't do a handstand when he tried) pointed out that my legs were wonky - leaning to one side and one leg longer than the other. This looks the case from the photo, so, it's important that you know that I was operating on quite a steep slope at the point where the pool goes from shallow to deep, so that I could be in the same shot as Katherine. (The podiatrist did say that my legs are different lengths, but it's the other way round from this picture.)

And I had to do this 10 times before he was happy with the pictures. And yes, I have used one from the first attempt after all that. Grrr. Still, at least my sinuses are clear now.

Busy day:

Cleaning and sorting stuff for our imminent :( departure;
Trip to the river to loaf about a bit;
Trip into town for supplies for making my dad's 70th birthday present and card;
Shouting fit at rude people walking through our garden despite the nice path we'd cleared next to the river bank (I think the barbed wire had more effect than my French shouting - though the kids were pretty impressed that I can be fierce in more than one language);
Swimming and sinus clearing;

And now wine and blip. Ahhhh. I will look back on these days when I'm back in the grey day-to-day monotony of term-time life in Scotland and sigh. At least I'll have a million photos to look back on (even if most of them are of bugs).

The kids are "watering the garden" again. I just have to hope that some of the water drips off them onto the grass since all they seem to water is each other.

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