
By DancingAly

It's Up!


I woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. I didn't sleep well, and then jumped up at 4 when I saw the flashing of blue lights outside. It turned out to be two ambulances, which very considerately didn't have their sirens on. Dozed, and then woke again at 6ish, to see the sky aglow in beautiful orange. Tried to capture it on the iphone but it didn't do it justice.

When I finally got up at 9, lifted my blind and the cord came off the track, leaving the blind firmly down and the entire cord in my hand :-( Despite copius amounts of begging, my dad refused to come and help, so managed to cajole my sister into helping, and it turns out she's quite handy! Fixing it was much easier than I anticipated, and between the two of us, ok, mainly her, we got it sorted! I was so pleased I decided to chance my luck and asked her to hang my picture, which she kindly did. I would just like to note that this picture was framed in April, and has been residing on my sofa since then. It's not that I can't do little jobs like this, but I've had the fear put into me that I might accidentally drill through pipes or cables!

I am just so pleased that it's up, I can't quite believe it. It's the little things that really make you so happy. Tomorrow I'm hoping to tackle my coat hooks. I can't tell you how amazing it would be to be able to hang my coats up instead of laying them over the arm of the sofa!

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