
By BethAndCo

A very tired Daddy

Eva was very unsettled in the night again. She woke twice compared to last nights 3 times, which resulted in us both finally sleeping in til 9.20 am! So at least we got a lie in, but not great when you're meant to be on a conference call about Thomsons from the new bosses at 9.30 and Eva needed a clean nappy and foooooooood, well, milk. I leapt out of bed when I saw the time, ran downstairs to put C Beebies on ready in case of crying (before I realised I could mute it our end), ran back up, got Eva out of bed, quickly changed her nappy, lay on bed in feeding position with phone number dialled, and phone on loud speaker and on mute, with Eva starting to feed, all by 9.29 am, get me! As it was, the call cut off after 10 minutes due to not enough capacity for everyone on it, so I'd done the whole rush rush rush thing for nothing.

Mike couldn't get back to sleep after Eva woke at 4am, I found out later, as he came home from work early as he was so tired. Poor Daddy.

Today's pic shows Diego lying on one of the 3 blankets and the horsey Diego and Nala's new owners sent in the post today. I think it is so thoughtful of them, it made me a bit emotional actually, but happy that they are going to such a lovely home where they will obviously be very much loved and cared for. They messaged me later on to say that they also would like to offer little Dora a home, I'm so happy that they will all be together, the 2 little black kittens are such little sweethearts, always want fuss and to play. Well, they're all a lovely bunch actually. Am so glad I'm keeping little Daisy.

Eva was a little difficult to settle at bedtime. It took her instalment of In The Night Garden on Daddy's phone to settle her to sleep, she absolutely loves that programme. She was fast asleep by about 9pm xxxxx

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