
By Houseonahill6

Tom Weir,Tom Weir,plus fours and a wee woolly hat

This scene has greated us the last few days as a huge effort is made to clear the ragwort before it turns to seed. The wheel barrow was filled to the top as were several large bags and this continued throughout the day with various people having a go. They have done well and this field is nearly cleared. However how come when you pull up one weed three seem to return in its place the next day so we will wait and see. I assume it is taken up to the farm to be burnt.

It's been really blustery today with everything flying about. The birds have found it hard to land on the feeder but once they're there they seem to be able to hang on. I think the garden will probably be quite dry so I should really go out and water but usually end up with more over me than the plants. So instead I'm going to settle down with a cup of tea, a packet of chocolate biscuits and watch Tom Weir in Weirs Ways a programme from the 70's.Tom Weir died in 2006 aged 91.He was a great at promoting the campaign to protect the Scottish environment and was given The John Muir Life time achievement award for his hard work. He is most famous for wearing a wee woolly hat and a fair isle jumper. The man had style !Although he did lots of climbing abroad he is most famous for his hill climbing in Scotland.
His sister was Molly Weir who appeared in the rather eccentric programme Rentaghost as Hazel the McWitch.
There is now a campaign to raise money for a statue to be erected at Loch Lomond on or as near to 29th December 2014. Plenty of fund raising events are planned including knitting red bobble 'bunnets'.
Enjoy your evening. I'm about to put my feet up :)

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