
By pattons6

Just the one but while no one is looking

While everyone's back was turned i sneaked a bit pizza. It was really really nice. Mummy found me with it in my tent and took it off me but she gave me my milk so all was not lost.

We had a cleaning day in the house. Mummy and Daddy tool the sofa to pieces to clean underneath it and in between all the parts. It was really messy, unfortunately they found all the bits of food that I have previously stashed down the side for later.

We then went to the park to let everyone run off some steam. It was a huge park, with swings, see saw, round about and a huge sand pit.

The best bit of the day was when Grandad came to show me his new car. It's really, really big! Lots of room for my car seat and buggy. Can't wait to go out for a wee ride in it. It's a new fancy kind a Dacia.

Tomorrow we are hoping to go to the farm, as long as it doesn't rain. Oh I can't wait, I can walk round myself now.

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