they came, they gathered, they went home

holyrood park has been closed off for almost three weeks while preparations get underway for the gathering. now, i'm a bit cynical about this, not least because organisers expected 30,000 people *each day* to descend on a park that it 25 yards from my front door. and indeed the noise of pipe bands and trad music groups for hour after hour has grated, ditto not being able to walk thru the park, ditto hoards of people wandering past my bedroom window all day. still, it's not been half as bad as it could have been, and apparently a lot of people enjoyed it.

i had intended to blip the construction in a few stages along the way, but somehow that went out of the window. but here's 11pm on the sunday night, after the last tourist packed up and went home (or wherever). maybe i'll do an aftermath shot later in the week. the graininess and weird light is from cunning use of my 'available light' setting, which i love (check out the exif data if you want to know the technical info) tho i am sure the purists out there will be horrified at me putting up such a dodgy, fuzzy shot!


i'm on the last leg of backblipping, hurrah! here's yesterday

and, perhaps self-indulgently, here's a few from the past month i think should've had a teensy bit more airplay:

a few days' hol from here

easy, tiger

greed is good


a grand day out

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