
By DancingAly

I'm Just So Bloomin' Helpful!

Little B, ( under supervision this time) scissored through my package in record time. Thanks Bo! Sometimes he is just so useful!

I hung around all day today as my builder was supposed to be coming to do some small jobs. It has taken months to pin him down to a day, so had quite a few things for him to do, not least regrouting my bathroom floor tiles. He ended up being a no-show, leaving me disappointed and rather pissed off at wasting the day! We have rescheduled for Monday, so fingers crossed.

I had a date tonight with a Dutch guy. Wasn't really that bothered, but as soon as I clapped eyes on him I knew I really liked him. We went to a lovely pub and sat outside for nearly 3 hours talking! It was a really lovely evening. It was by far the best date I've been on.

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