i hope you enjoyed your last bloodmeal

because you're dead. jerks were all out at head of the plains today, an unusual place for them as there's little standing water and it's generally breezy.

Oh well. We managed to knock down a whole unit of community sampling today (what plants are in a small plot and how many are there. seriously. it's important for determining if fire management is an effective tool)

Yesterday was a sheep day. Oh yes. It was de-worming time and they weren't happy. Then again, I wouldn't be either if someone grabbed my head while someone else jabbed me in the butt with a needle. One pair of pants was a casualty (big gaping holes in both knees now) and a nice scrape on the elbow where one jammed me into the plywood attached to some fencing.

A 300 pound sheep can throw you around pretty easily.

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