Waxing Gibbous

Or is it? I just googled it and this was the best match! Answers on a post card to the usual address ;). If you go large you might see some craters!

We sat out and had a wine...then it rained a little so we came in and listened to some music. The sun shone so we sat out again. It rained, so we came in and had a Chinese meal courtesy of markies.

We have found the perfect compromise tonight....a zombie rom com.... Cough cough...NO!

And...I opened the door of the white wash an hour ago to find...yep a random navy blue sock. Oxy applied, temperature set to max and fingers crossed...a week of pants, bras, towels and my lovely cotton shirt.....blue...all blue!

Shopping tomorrow may be on the cards!

Have a great weekend blippers xxx

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