
By bgleyna

Arkansas Quartz

Daniel returned last night from his summer break spent in Oregon and Washington State. In the foreground is a cluster of Quartz crystals he brought back from a previous trip to the Quachita Mountains in Arkansas. (This man loves to travel!) Experts claim that Brazil and Arkansas are the best two places in the world for these crystals! Apparently Quartz Clusters are supposed to encourage a sense of community and remove negativity. I was curious about how this might work or if it was just a load of New Age Mumbo Jumbo. In my search I found this: "Gemstones sing their incredible songs of structure, balance, wavelength and frequency and can bring us back into harmony". It reminds me of the scriptures about the stones crying out and the earth groaning. I guess God created even rocks to have a voice. It would be cool to understand what they are singing!

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