Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Kayaking Passage Canal

Well we finally made it....

Sea Kayaking in Alaska.

We had a most glorious day on the water paddling to Emerald Cove on Passage Canal (a little fjord of Prince William Sound).

The day began cool and overcast but towards late afternoon the Sun burned through and the light became crystal....

Wildlife observations included kittiwakes, bald eagles, a sea otter, and a seal.

It was a most fitting finale of our Alaska adventure.

Many thanks to the staff at Alaska Sea Kayakers: Pete, Lou and Andy..."Thanks Guys".

A dinner at "Humpys" in Anchorage capped off the day. The kinder had seen "Humpys " featured on a TV show called "Man vs. Food" so it was on a list of must see venues...

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